Friday, March 15, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 12 reflection

Grant can't face miss Emma after what he saw Jefferson do. So he go the Rainbow instead think of a lie. He is very stressed and worried over how to tell her because of how she will react. He doesn't want to see her sad and mortified over what Jefferson did.

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 11 reflection

Jefferson in this chapter talks about how he is a hog and shows Grant how a hog eats. Jefferson is being rebellious and delusional because all he can think about is his execution and Grant is getting even more furious at coming to the jailhouse.

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 10 reflection

Emma has gotten sick and Grant is told to go by himself but refuses. He does not want to be humiliated in front of white people and be broken down "into the nigger he was born to be."

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 9 reflection

Miss Emma and Grant go visit Jefferson and he doesn't speak to them but only stare at the ceiling. Emma tries to offer him food but he replied with when are they going to do it. Jefferson is only thinking about his execution and doesn't want to talk to anybody

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 8 reflection

The mulatto teacher tell me that lighter skin people were treated better than darker skin people and that he felt superior to Grant because of it. The mulatto teacher also said that he hates Grant because he came back from the university to teach here.

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 7 reflection

The superintendent was came to check up on the students and it obvious that he wanted them uneducated and working on plantation fields. He thinks of them as crop growing to be worked

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 6 reflection

Grant is made to wait in the kitchen for two hours because they wanted to dis respect him. While sheriff Guidry was talking to Grant he was getting irritated by Grant's proper English so he being humiliated because they didn't like an educated black man.

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 5 reflection

Grant thinks about how black people are always either killed or arrested. He takes his anger out on the students in his class punishing them for the smallest things. which I think was going overboard, there not even his children.

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 4 reflection

After leaving the Pichots' house Grant went to the Rainbow to talk to Vivian, his girlfriend, that he want to want to leave this place with her because he can't stand  it. He wants to leave the south because of how oppressive it is. Vivian tells him that she can't until she gets her divorce and kids. Vivian shows that she loves her children and keep them with rather than leave town with Grant.

A Lesson Before Dying chapter 1-3 reflection

The story starts off with Jefferson at his the trial where he was called a hog and nothing more than a thing to work in the fields before being sentenced to death. Then we are introduced to Grant, the narrator and teacher, who is asked by miss Emma to teach Jefferson how to be a man. Grant doesn't want to but is told that he would be kicked out if he refuses. Grant is angry and want yell at how he want to leave town but doesn't because he knows it won't change anything. They then go to Henri Pichots to ask him to ask his brother in law to let them visit Jefferson in the jail cell and miss says she won't stop coming till he agrees.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

My Introduction

Hi my name is Christian Aubert and I am taking Mr. Rease's AP English this year. I am shy but friendly and will always be there for my friends. I like to watch anime and cartoons and playing in the band. My goals for this year is to improve myself, passing all my classes, and getting my driver license. I am taking this class to learn how to write more efficiently and increase my knowledge of how to write essays so I can better my chances of getting a better AP score.